What Aerobic Exercise Helps With Pain?

Two women outdoors exercising together.

What Aerobic Exercise Helps With Pain?

May 2, 2022

The only thing we want to do when we are in pain is curl up in bed, but that is the opposite of what we should be doing. Exercise is key to managing your discomfort when you have chronic arthritis pain. Low-impact aerobic exercise eases pain without added stress on your joints and muscles. 

Does Exercising Relieve Pain?

Your joints swell and stiffen when you sit or lay still for several hours. Staying active and keeping your body in motion helps lubricate the joints. You may think exercising would increase your aches, but it helps to relieve them. 

You are hurting your body more when you do not use it. Not moving your body causes muscles to shrink and become weak. Aerobic activity results in stronger muscles, weight loss, and better quality of life. 

Exercising is also proven to promote healthy sleep. Your body has the opportunity to heal itself while you are sleeping. It is also easier to cope with your discomfort when you are well-rested.

Is It Safe To Exercise When In Pain?

Exercising is safe and recommended when you have chronic arthritis pain. Choosing the correct type and intensity of exercise is important. You should avoid activities like running and weight lifting that are harsh on joints. Exercises like walking and swimming are more gentle on your body. 

Avoid injuries by pacing yourself when you workout. You may first experience some soreness if you haven't exercised in a long time. Feeling some aches and pains does not mean that you should quit. Your body needs time to strengthen and get used to your new routine.

How Does Movement Reduce Pain?

Endorphins are a type of hormone that our body releases during exercise. These hormones are our body's natural pain reliever. Endorphins also increase our feelings of pleasure. It may not seem like it at first, but exercise is pleasurable. 

Your muscles weaken, and joints become stiff when you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Movement helps strengthen your muscles and ease discomfort. Cartilage gets nutrition from the fluids in your joints when you move. This nutrition is necessary for the cartilage to stay healthy and not degrade.

Chronic pain causes people to feel stressed, and that stress intensifies the pain. Your brain is unable to dampen pain signals when you are anxious, stressed, or tired. Exercise helps relieve stress, improve mode, and relax your body.

What Is The Best Exercise For Body Pain?

The thought of starting an exercise routine may cause you some anxiety. No one expects you to run a marathon when you are suffering from chronic pain. But there are simple activities you can do to get started. 

Low-impact exercises you should consider if you suffer from arthritis are:

  • Walking
  • Cycling on a bicycle or stationary exercise bike
  • Swimming
  • Stretching
  • Elliptical Machine
  • Stair Climber
  • Yoga
  • Rowing
  • Tai chi

How Does Walking Help With Pain?

A simple walk will help to reduce pain by loosening your joints. You can start small and walk only a few minutes per day if that is within your comfort level. You should set a goal to be able to walk for 30 minutes 3 times per week.

You can walk in place at home while watching your favorite show or walk on a treadmill. You can stroll the mall or the aisles of your favorite big-box store. Other ways to increase your step count are:

  • Mow the lawn.
  • Park your car in a spot further away from the door in the parking lot.
  • Use the stairs instead of using the elevator or escalator.
  • Get off one stop early if you ride the bus.
  • Walk around when talking on the phone 
  • Take a stroll in a local park.

How Does Swimming Help With Pain?

Swimming is the easiest exercise on your joints since the water makes you weightless. You may not be an Olympic swimmer, and that's okay! Getting in the water and moving your body is a great start. If you are not a swimmer yet, there are other activities you can do in the pool that are beneficial, such as:

  • Walking laps around the pool
  • Kicking your legs while holding on to the side or a pool float
  • Doing water aerobics
  • Treading water
  • Doing jumping jacks

How Does Yoga Help With Pain?

Yoga is a low-impact activity that is beneficial for your body and mind. It strengthens your muscles and helps you relax, focus, and control your breathing. Yoga is restorative for your body and mind as it:

  • Improves mobility
  • Prevents cartilage and joints from deteriorating
  • Reduces stress and boosts mood
  • Helps improve posture
  • Promotes strength, flexibility, and balance
  • Aids in relaxation
  • Increases energy
  • Boosts metabolism

Does Stretching Help With Pain?

Stretching is an excellent way to get your body moving again if you haven't in a while. Stretching relieves tension, increases range of motion, and improves circulation. Stretching loosens stiff muscles and joints, giving you better mobility. It also promotes calmness and feelings of relaxation. 

The thought of starting an exercise regimen may seem overwhelming. You should speak with your doctor if you are feeling unsure of yourself. A physical therapist will help you learn which movements and exercises are best for you.









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