Is It Normal To Have Back Pain While Breastfeeding?

Woman sitting on bed, feeling her lower back, which is marked with red to indicate pain.

Is It Normal To Have Back Pain While Breastfeeding?

May 2, 2022

As you may know, fifty years ago breastfeeding was not the trendy thing to do so a lot of moms chose to use formula. But now, we understand the health benefits of nursing babies so more moms are putting in the effort to make breast-feeding work for them. It doesn’t come without a cost to your body, though. If you are currently nursing your baby, then you know how taxing it can be on your body. 

Does Breastfeeding Make Your Body Ache?

In the first several weeks after giving birth, you learn how to feed your newborn baby. Not only is your body attempting to heal from childbirth but also acclimating to nursing. You may also experience soreness from feeding. There is always an ongoing adjustment phase. Staying up with the baby throughout the night creates sleeplessness as well as aches and pains. Holding a baby in certain positions for long periods of time can make your back, arms, and neck very sore. 

Mothers are often looking down at their nursing baby so it is not uncommon to develop neck pain. If you do not remember to stretch the area just below your shoulders through their middle back, it becomes very tight. Many moms do not have proper posture. It is hard to remain mindful of this when you are trying to feed or soothe your baby. Stress paired with sleep deprivation will lead to body aches and tense muscles

Can Breastfeeding Cause Back Pain?

Breastfeeding is often the reason many moms experience back pain. It is difficult to find enough support for a mother to comfortably breastfeed. There are breastfeeding pillows to help support the baby but few resources to help support the mom’s back. You may try to use pillows to prop under your lower back and around your arms. Even this support is not enough, as many moms hunch over while holding and feeding the baby.

Experts believe this is the result of a weak core. During pregnancy, your abdominal muscles stretch as the baby grows. These muscles become compromised and it often takes up to a year or longer to fully engage the core again. Being mindful to use this muscle may help with your posture and strengthening your weak core. Using breathwork is also very helpful at re-engaging the abdominal muscles. 

Why Does My Back Hurt While Breastfeeding?

The way you carry the baby, breastfeeding for hours a day, and your healing body all play a role in the woes and aches of postpartum. This phase leaves many mothers caught off guard and feeling ill-prepared. Just when you thought your pain was over, you endure months of backaches. 

Engaging your core and even your pelvic floor muscles are important. Doing so while carrying or putting your baby in their crib will help provide support. Incorporating stretching techniques can improve mobility as well. 

How To Stop Back Pain During Breastfeeding?

Stopping the activity that is causing the pain is often the real answer. Unfortunately for nursing mothers, this is not an option. Learning ways to prevent the soreness from growing unmanageable is key. You will experience soreness, but you can also learn helpful techniques to treat the issues when they arise. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Warm Showers Often- Showering can relax all the muscles in your body. It also provides the hygiene element that mothers so desperately desire. 
  • Supportive Pillows- Using a breastfeeding pillow that wraps around your body may provide more support. Using a pillow to support the lumbar area of your back is important as well. Some people use neck pillows and pillows under their arms. You can never have enough support. 
  • Alternate Feeding Positions- Many mothers find relief by frequently changing feeding positions. Side-lying on the bed or couch is a good one to throw in there. If the cradle hold becomes tiring, you could try lying back in a recliner and having the baby nurse on top of your breast. The football hold is another good hold that not only helps relieve back pain but enhances the latch technique. 
  • Stretching Exercises- Cat cow is a yoga pose that helps not only stretch out the back but the neck, shoulders, and hips. Baseball stretches are great where you alternate crossing arms across your chest. Child’s pose is another yoga technique that is helpful. Sitting on the floor with your legs up a wall can provide a nice back release. There are so many great stretches out there that will help relieve sore muscles from breastfeeding. 
  • Chiropractic Care- Your body has gone through so much after delivering a baby. After being cleared by your doctor it might be a good idea to go get a chiropractic adjustment. They may help loosen areas that you have not found relief by stretching. Many chiropractors often integrate massage into their care techniques as well. 
  • Stay Hydrated- Dehydration can make you feel stiff and sore easily. Hydrating your muscles will help the body eliminate toxins. Getting plenty of water will also benefit your breast milk supply.
  • Exercise- Exercise is very important to integrate into your daily routine. Getting the body moving will help circulate lactic acid build-up in your body. Even going for a walk with the baby or dancing can improve mobility and reduce some soreness. During pregnancy and labor, many moms utilize exercise balls. They are great to use postpartum as well. Hip circles help with loosening your hips. You can also use the ball to engage your core and pelvic floor muscles. 

How To Breastfeed With A Bad Back?

If you are experiencing back pain you may find nursing in a supportive or firm chair helps. Using heat packs or medicated ointment on the sore areas of your back can provide some relief. There are also supportive garments you can buy. These wrap around you like a loose corset. They provide enough support to help your back during breastfeeding and carrying the baby. 

Tips To Avoid Back Pain While Breastfeeding

In addition to the tips mentioned before, you may consider trying to wear the baby carrier while nursing. Many women have found they can effortlessly feed their babies while wearing them. If you can get a good latch and the baby is comfortable this method takes a load off of you. Remembering to engage your core every time you pick the baby up and put the baby down is important. Being mindful of this will help you build your core back up which will alleviate much of your pain. Your back is having to over compensate for your weak core muscles. Being patient with yourself and your changing body is crucial.

Ways To Get Comfortable While Breastfeeding

Newborn mothers spend a lot of time breastfeeding. Setting up a breastfeeding station near your favorite chair can make this time more enjoyable. You could put a little box together with water, nourishing snacks, and maybe play some soft music. Using a good lumbar pillow if you are sitting up while breastfeeding makes feeding more comfortable. Muscle soreness is such a common complaint for breastfeeding mothers. With proper self-care and attention, it is possible to minimize these aches and pains. 


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