Is Fibromyalgia and Pain Syndrome The Same Thing?

Man in pajamas, getting out of bed, looking pained and unhappy.

Is Fibromyalgia and Pain Syndrome The Same Thing?

May 3, 2022

This disease was pretty much unheard of twenty years ago. Many people who have fibromyalgia go undiagnosed because it can mimic other symptoms. This disease has become more recognized and studied during the last decade. You may also experience widespread muscle and bone pain. It can come on suddenly and may last for long periods at a time.  

Is Fibromyalgia A Pain Syndrome?

Fibromyalgia is a pain syndrome. Characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, most feel all over the body. You may also have other diseases or ailments along with it. This makes it even more difficult to diagnose. 

Fibromyalgia affects more than 10 million Americans. Some consider it as more of a neurological problem. Many believe there is a problem with the way the pain receptors communicate. These are some of the most common symptoms you may experience:

  • Muscle Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Memory Loss
  • Brain Fog
  • Insomnia
  • Mood Disturbances
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Sensory Overload or Sensitivity
  • Numbness
  • Dryness of skin, throat, nose, and eyes
  • Urinating often
  • Swelling
  • Sweating
  • Bruising
  • Jaw Pain
  • Chest Pain

Does Fibromyalgia Hurt Every Day?

Most people with this disease experience pain every single day. Some people experience episodes or flare-ups of fibromyalgia from time to time. For the majority, unfortunately, they hurt most days. These symptoms often keep people home from work or away from social events. This debilitating disease leaves many sufferers with anxiety, loneliness, and major depression. 

Living in a state of chronic pain can feel unmanageable. Many doctors are unsure how to treat this type of pain effectively. In the past, doctors prescribed opioids which would lead to dependency. Doctors now usually prescribe pain relievers, muscle relaxers, and anti-seizure medications. 

Does Fibromyalgia Cause Weight Gain?

Research shows that most patients with this diagnosis are overweight or obese. This disease can also cause hormonal imbalances, which often result in weight gain. Experiencing chronic pain and debilitating fatigue lead many to want to sleep and withdraw. It is hard to work out under these conditions as well. 

Exercise is like a double-edged sword. It can feel painful but, at the same time, is used to treat this disease. Decreasing your body mass will also help reduce some pain symptoms. Exercise and a healthy diet offer many benefits to people with fibromyalgia. At the same time, patients must not overdo it. Exercise helps people lose weight, reduces stress, helps build muscles, and increases bone density. 

Does Fibromyalgia Worsen With Age?

Fibromyalgia does not necessarily get worse as you get older. It is not considered a progressive disease like other ailments. However, some people experience more symptoms as their health deteriorates. The disease does not damage muscles or tissue within the body. The severity differs for every individual. Most people who suffer from this have symptoms all their life.  

Differences Between Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome

It differs from Chronic Pain Syndrome because of the other ailments that come along with it. Fibromyalgia is widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied with debilitating fatigue. Chronic Pain Syndrome is simply characterized by 12 consecutive weeks of ongoing pain. Fibromyalgia pain is typically more severe and more ongoing. It often takes up to five years for most patients to obtain a fibromyalgia diagnosis. 

What Can Be Mistaken For Fibromyalgia?

Chronic fatigue is often mistaken for fibromyalgia. For many years, physicians thought it was a mental disorder. Before this was considered a legitimate diagnosis, many people were dismissed as making it all up in their head. It is often confused with chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus, as well as Lyme disease. Since there is no test to diagnose fibromyalgia, physicians base it upon the different symptoms people experience. They will also rule out other conditions with blood tests and various exams. 

What Does A Fibromyalgia Flare-Up Feel Like?

A fibromyalgia flare feels like aching pain all over your body paired with draining exhaustion. Many times it accompanies multiple symptoms. A flare can occur after a cold or virus. You may experience flares after stressful or traumatic events. Sleep can also play an important role. 

Women, in particular, are the majority of fibromyalgia patients. Women often have flares associated with hormonal changes and some with their monthly menstrual cycles. You may experience flares with changing seasons. If the temperature changes drastically, some people experience increased pain and fatigue. What triggers some may not trigger others. For some people, flare-ups are predictable, while for others, they just appear out of the blue. 

Foods That Are Bad For Fibromyalgia

Some experts believe the right foods are vital in warding off these symptoms. If you know someone who has suffered with this ailment for an extended period of time, they will roll their eyes when you mention diet. Not only do they feel horrible all the time, but now they have to diet. It is not an easy task when someone is in chronic pain, has zero motivation, and is often depressed. Experts believe that if you journal your diet, you can track trigger foods. You may have tried treating your disease with diet and were able to alleviate some symptoms. Diets are often hard to sustain and many relapse. Few people are able to put their disease into remission with diet. It is not an easy thing to do, but the benefits are life-changing for most. 

Here are some common trigger foods that bad for fibromyalgia:

  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Fake Sugars
  • MSG
  • Other Food Additives
  • Sugar
  • Fructose
  • Simple Sugars
  • White Bread
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Caffeine
  • Yeast
  • Nightshades
  • Red Meat
  • Eggs
  • Corn
  • Corn

For a lot of people, finding foods they can eat is a difficult task. Fibromyalgia symptoms often come with digestive issues. Eliminating these things from your diet and starting fresh with whole, unprocessed nutrient-dense foods is worth a try. Sticking with this new way of eating for three months will give great results at decreasing flare-ups. Here are some great foods to incorporate into your diet:

  • Omega Three Fatty Acids- These healthy fats can aid in overall inflammation and weight loss. Examples of these are flax-seed, wild-caught salmon, mackerel, cod liver oil, herring, chia seed, and soybeans. 
  • Fruits- Fruits lower in fructose like blueberries, bananas, strawberries, avocados, green beans, lettuce, carrots, to name a few. 
  • Vegetables-Starting with vegetables that are easy to digest, like yellow squash, spinach, steamed carrots, and green beans, are excellent to start with. 

Everyone is different, and testing out different foods will help you better understand your body. The road is long, but remission is worth trying everything you can. Working with your medical provider or a dietician can help make these goals more attainable. It is not easy when everyone else around you can eat all the food they want and feel fine. Developing a support system of people who are facing common obstacles can build your confidence. You do not have to go through this alone. There are 10 million other people out there experiencing many of these same symptoms.   

What Happens If You Leave Fibromyalgia Untreated?

Leaving this disease untreated will feel painful, isolating, and like you are missing out on life. No one wants to feel this way. Know there is help out there. There are support groups where you can find connection, understanding, and encouragement to continue on. Fibromyalgia often leaves you feeling like life is passing you by. No one really understands how living with chronic pain feels until they are in that situation themselves. It is not recommended to leave these symptoms untreated as they can lead to feelings of despair, severe depression, and even suicide. This disease has made some headway as just a few years ago it was not even recognized as a legitimate diagnosis. There are many helpful treatments out there to get you started on the road to successfully managing your pain. 


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