How Does Good Posture Improve Pain?

Woman stretching her arms above her head, back held straight.

How Does Good Posture Improve Pain?

May 2, 2022

There is nothing more frustrating than suffering with chronic pain but there are some small changes you can make to begin to relieve it. Your posture plays a vital role in how you feel and your overall health. Improving your posture can help relieve pain in your back and other areas of your body.

Posture is the way you hold yourself when you are sitting, standing, or lying down. Your spine protects the nerves that connect your brain to the rest of your body. We feel pain in different areas of our body when our spine is out of alignment. 

Can Good Posture Prevent Back Pain?

Maintaining good posture is an important way to keep the muscles and nerves in your back healthy. Poor posture, or slouching, causes tense muscles to pull the body out of alignment. Good posture is necessary to reduce discomfort in your back, neck, shoulders, and hips

Proper alignment keeps your body parts balanced and organs supported. Slouching results in added strain to muscles and puts stress on your spine. This type of stress leads to the possibility of constricted nerves and blood vessels. It also results in issues with muscles, discs, and joints leading to problems such as:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue

Can Good Posture Improve Bad Posture?

It is never too late to improve your posture. You may have become accustomed to poor habits such as: 

  • Sitting hunched over with your shoulders rolled forward.
  • Kinking your neck to hold the phone between your ear and shoulder.
  • Hanging your chin down while staring at the computer or your phone. 
  • Crossing your legs.
  • Walking in high heels.

You can counteract these poor habits with mindful changes or simple exercises. When you are sitting, place your feet flat on the floor, and distribute your weight evenly on both hips. You should sit with your back straight and shoulders back but relaxed. Your ears should line up over your collarbones. 

Try to get up and walk at least once per hour to avoid being in the same position for an extended period. You should also invest in the right type of chair if you sit at a desk all day. Ligaments in the spine overstretch when you slump in your office chair for long periods. An ergonomic chair with lumbar support reduces the tension and prevents back injury.

How Long Does It Take To Correct Bad Posture?

The first step to improving your alignment is to become aware of your slouching. Once you become mindful of how you can improve your posture, you will be able to make the changes with little effort. Research shows it takes at least three weeks to establish a new routine. Correcting your alignment should be part of your routine until it becomes natural.

Once you decide to change your habits, there are exercises and stretches you can do. These movements will help strengthen your back and improve your alignment. To maintain good posture, you will have to continue to work on it your whole life. 

Does It Hurt To Improve Bad Posture?

Improving your posture will seem uncomfortable at first, as you have gotten used to sitting, standing, and sleeping a certain way. But the pain caused by years of slouching will be much worse. Become aware of your posture and straighten your back when you are slouching.

There are numerous health benefits to correcting your posture. These benefits include:

  • Better balance
  • Increased circulation
  • Fewer headaches
  • Increased energy
  • Better digestion
  • Improved breathing
  • Decreased injury risk
  • Fewer backaches

Maintaining proper alignment is something you must continue to work on your whole life. Slouching compresses your organs, circulation decreases, and those organs will not work as well. Proper alignment promotes healthy blood flow. Try to avoid positions that inhibit circulation, such as crossing your legs.

What Are The Symptoms Of Poor Posture?

You may remember as a child your mom telling you at the dinner table, “Sit up straight, stop slouching!”. There is more to good posture than being prim and proper. Slouching causes pain and injuries. Symptoms can include:

  • Rounded shoulders
  • Weak core or round stomach
  • Bent knees when standing or walking
  • Head that leans forward or backward
  • Back pain
  • Body aches and pains
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Headache

You can not breathe well when you are slouching. Sitting the right way improves your breathing. Try sitting upright with your shoulders back, chest out, and inhale. Then try leaning forward, slouch your shoulders, and take another deep breath. You will notice it is impossible to take a deep breath in a slouched position.

How To Correct Bad Posture?

Along with posture checks, regular stretches and exercises help to maintain good alignment. Maintaining strong and flexible muscles will help with keeping your spine aligned. Exercises that strengthen your core, upper back, and chest will correct rounded shoulders. Some examples of exercises that help posture are:

  • Planks
  • Bridges
  • Pull-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Leg Lifts

You can also improve posture while you sleep. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended for proper spine alignment. You should lay on your side with a pillow between your knees. If you prefer to lay on your back, put a pillow under your lower back or knees.

You can practice meditation or other relaxation techniques to ease your back muscles. Yoga and tai chi are helpful with muscle relaxation, posture awareness, and improvement. Treatments such as chiropractic care or massage therapy also improve alignment.

Does Good Posture Make You Stronger?

Sitting upright and walking with a proper gait helps to strengthen the muscles in your back. Good posture can also promote a strong core. Your body is stronger when you are in alignment. 

If you suffer from back, shoulder, neck, or hip pain, check your posture. A good posture is your first line of defense in combating pain. Keeping your body in alignment will benefit your health and well-being throughout your life. 


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