How Do You Treat Joint Pain In Hands?

One hand holding the other, indicating pain.

How Do You Treat Joint Pain In Hands?

May 2, 2022

If you experience joint pain you know how debilitating it can be at times. Having your body not be able to do what you want it to do when you want it to is incredibly frustrating. Joint pain can happen during many parts of your life depending on your activities, age, and genetics. 

Usually, you experience joint pain or arthritis because of inflammation in the body. This is what causes pain and swelling to certain areas. As you age, the cartilage and fluid diminish, which decreases joint flexibility and makes you feel stiff. 

Why Are My Hands So Painful?

Experiencing joint discomfort in the hands can make them feel stiff and even sometimes prevent movement at all. You use your hands so often during the day that it makes daily living so much more difficult when your hands are hurting. 

It is often difficult to determine the origins of hand pain. Some people experience pain from overuse, while others may develop arthritis or osteoporosis. There are various issues that may develop in the hands over time. These inflammatory issues could also show other signs throughout the body. 

What Are Home Remedies For Hand Pain?

If you are someone that suffers with hand pain, you probably spend a lot of time rubbing or massaging your hands. It’s an instinct to rub something that is painful. You may find massage helpful. There are several pressure points in the hand that may provide you some relief. Here are some other great home remedies to try:

  1. Hot and Cold Therapies- Alternating between heat and ice may help to bring some relief to your hands. Using a cold bag of pieces for 15 mins a few times a day will help decrease swelling. Using heat, especially when your discomfort is at its highest, may feel soothing to your joints. 
  2. Balms and Oil- There are a variety of healing oils and herbs one could use. Neuropathy rubbing oil contains frankincense and myrrh. These are both anti-inflammatory and analgesic. 
  3. Take Breaks-If you work on a computer, set a timer to take breaks. Move around and stretch the muscles you are using. 
  4. Exercise- Sometimes, the body overcompensates for weaker areas. The back often does this for lack of core strength. Developing a healthy exercise regimen will promote health through the rest of the body. Incorporating yoga and other stretching exercises reduces inflammation and increases mobility. 

How Can I Reduce Inflammation In The Hands?

In addition to the home remedies, you may try to wear braces or sleeves to help with your hand discomfort. There are daytime braces or hand braces that you can wear at night during sleep. It’s best not to wrap your hands too tightly. Restricting good circulation may create an increase in inflammation. 

The daytime brace helps to keep your wrist in an optimal position. It reduces the level of stress inflicted to just one area. There are splints that some people use to help stabilize the hand from moving in ways that promote injury. 

What Are The Signs Of Arthritis In The Hands?

If you are someone that deals with arthritis, you may experience different symptoms at varying levels of intensity. Here are some of the most common arthritis symptoms: 

  • Pain
  • Burning 
  • Swelling
  • Hand Fatigue
  • Hand and Finger Deformity 
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Reduces Flexibility 
  • Weakness in Hands 
  • Lumps or nodules in the hand or fingers
  • Loss of Motion 

After talking to your doctor, they can run certain tests to try to diagnose what is going on. There are many different types of joint inflammation that you may need to address in your body. These are some common diagnosis that affect the hands:

  • Carpal Tunnel- Thumb, pointer, or middle fingers throb with pain when the median nerve in the wrist becomes pinched and swollen. 
  • Arthritis- Inflammation in the body can damage joints and cause burning discomfort throughout the body.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis- This occurs because the immune system begins to attack healthy tissue. This pain can cause damage to the nerves and surrounding tissue. 
  • Osteoarthritis- Cartilage depletes around the bones causing joint swelling and mobility issues. 
  • Tendonitis- This aching sensation increases with overuse. The tendons which connect bone to muscle become inflamed and sore. 
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis- This ailment involves the tendons around the thumb. These become swollen and irritated. 

How Can I Get Rid Of Hand Pain?

Inflammation is a natural chemical process that occurs in the body. White blood cells rush to the area of injury. This increase of blood volume results in inflammation of that area. Sometimes our inflammatory processes get turned on, and turning it off may take intentionality and time. For different conditions, it may take specific measures. Heat, ice, and rest usually help alleviate inflammation from overuse. Other people find relief from using wrist braces or compression sleeves. These tools help to stabilize ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Compression regulates blood flow to the painful areas. 

Some people are not able to find much relief from these measures. A doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory or steroid to help reduce swelling and joint pain. When they are unable to resolve their discomfort from conventional treatments, surgery serves as a last resort. With any surgical procedure, there are risks. It does not guarantee that all hand pain will resolve after surgery. 

What Is The Best Medicine For Hand Pain?

There are some things you can introduce before proceeding to surgery. Doctors often recommend eating anti-inflammatory foods like salmon, leafy greens, and dark fruits. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet can decrease the level of inflammation in the body as well as identify any food allergies you may have. Food allergies can often cause allergic reactions in the body that affect joints. 

It is also common for doctors to suggest trying over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are the most common drugs that provide pain relief. Patients who find no relief from these over-the-counter medications may try cortisone injections. Corticosteroids are administered into the joints of your hand where you are experiencing pain. These injections may take a few days to provide relief but usually, last several months.

What Are Exercises For Hand Pain?

After adjusting your diet and lifestyle, you may find additional relief from incorporating certain hand exercises and stretching routines. Physical therapist recommend the following regiments to help with hand pain:

  • Grip Exercises- Using a squishy ball, you can exercise your grip strength. Taking this a step further. You can pinch the ball between your thumb and one finger at a time.
  • Prayer Hand Stretches- Start your hand in the prayer position, then make a steeple. Flex your fingers in this up and down motion until you feel a stretch keeping all fingers together.
  • Wrist bend- Also known as the “Stretch Armstrong.” Put your arm out and bend your wrist down. Applying some pressure, use your other hand to push your wrist down until you feel the stretch.

Easing hand pain is a process and takes time. It is important to talk with your provider so they can rule out any other serious conditions like bone fractures or ligament tears. Changing your diet and incorporating some healthy exercises will also give you a great start on your recovery journey. 



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